Monday 5 August 2013


 There is an expression here in Africa which seems to cover off the frustration generated when  things take so long to happen, or why the power goes off at least once a day or why the internet is so wonky, or why your shipment  which landed July 6th is still not cleared or any number of daily annoying occurrences. It's called TIA or in other words This IAfrica.  The first time Paul said TIA I didn't understand the significance. I mean all of us have fallen victim to red tape (Canadian government) or rules that make no sense (no right turn except on the Island of Montreal; yeah, that clears up any confusion) or something dear to my heart, applying for Barbadian citizenship. Sure, but having an expression that sums it all up, people, this is a how you can smile through your pain and laugh the frustration away.  SMMBBJ,  (explanation to follow in a later blog), this too shall pass.    But seriously,  living as an Ex-Pat in Ethiopia, far from home, it's both unfair and unwise (if you choose to remain sane) to continually try and compare "stuff"  to home. This would be a waste of time and energy.  My time here will be better spent enjoying the new experiences and reconciling TIA with a famous Get Smart flash back, "....and loving it".  

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