Thursday 1 August 2013

The Joys of Jet Lag

It's a new month, August 1st and I am now beginning to lose the jet lag.  I'm pretty sure sleeping in every morning since we've arrived has helped and of course having all the pre-move stresses over.

We arrived in Addis in the morning @ 8:30, which translates with the 7 hour time difference to 1:30 am Ottawa time.  The key here is to stay up as long as you can so that your first night's sleep is a good one. We occupied our time unpacking the 5 bags and 2 rollys. Once that was completed we thought we would take a little nap.  Translation: 5 hours later we forced ourselves to get up otherwise it would be the beginning of "sleepness nights in Addis".

So now it's @ 4 pm and we decide to go out to eat.  The vehicle traffic on a Sunday is not heavy which is a relief because Addis traffic requires your full attention.  We went to a restaurant suitably called Oh Canada. This restaurant is run by an Ethiopian who lived @ 20 years in Ottawa.  She has definitely incorporated a Canadian theme to her place from the red and white decor and maple leafs everywhere, the pictures of stars from Celine Dion to the Guess Who, the Senator Jerseys and paraphernalia (Karlsson, sorry Alfie) to the unique menu choices from different provinces. The upstairs of Oh Canada is an Oasis Salon and Spa.  Paul has already been once for a haircut and I am certain I will be able to make use of the other spa facilities as well.   Dinner was enjoyable: Newfoundland Fish and Chips and Quebec Coq au Vin.

Once back at our home we stayed up till @ 9:30 and true to one's first night of sleep, it was wonderful.

Your second night of sleep is not nearly as good despite the fact that you have had a full night's sleep and a day of relaxed (for me) and regular work (Paul) activity.  We both fell asleep okay, but we were up @ 1 am wide-eyed. I took a sleep-ease and by @ 4 am I fell asleep.  Paul, the trooper, willed himself to go to sleep and Tuesday for him was a tough day.  Tuesday I woke at noon feeling guilty, but thankfully rested.  Tuesday night Paul decided to get a little help and he too took a sleep-ease.  He definitely rebounds quicker them me, but that may be because he's been doing it a lot longer.  Wednesday morning he awoke very refreshed which seriously at 6:30 AM what does that even mean?  I too, at 9:30 am, awoke refreshed.

I have to say that this sleeping in will no doubt get old pretty quick, but for now all I can say is: It's the jet lag!!


  1. So very glad to hear you, Paul and Lexxie made the trip despite the anxieties I am sure were so palpable!

    It's truly wonderful to read of your experiences & excitement of your adventure and share your sorrow of leaving Canada and family behind and yes, even the share the trials of jet lag! Tell us... Did Lexxie suffer with Jet lag too?

    Sunny and cool here today, had some rain yesterday and are expecting more tomorrow.

    Looking forward to your next posting! Great reading!

    1. The trip anxieties are all but over as we have recovered most of our lost sleep. Lexxie is none the worse for wear. She can't talk of course, but we believe she would say, "thanks for not leaving me behind". Having her here is making my transitions easier for sure. We too are experiencing rain as wet season will continue to the beginning of September.
      Keep reading.:)
