Thursday 8 August 2013

National Holiday August 8, 2013 Eid

Eid Mubarak!

The end of one month of Ramadan is marked by one day of celebration known as Eid.  For we fellow non-Muslims we celebrate the day too: "Woot!  No work today!"   A curious factor about Eid is that the actual day is only determined through the sighting of the New Moon.  Different Muslim locations around the world will celebrate Eid on a different day (within 24 hrs) depending on when the New Moon is sighted. Now from a practical point of view how are you to plan your day off work when you can't be sure if the holiday is going to be (as in this year's) Thursday or Friday?  Paul came home Wednesday to advise that his Admin would text him later in the evening to advise whether the holiday would fall on a Thursday or a Friday.  So true to the whims of the moon the first moon sightings were made Wednesday night so Thursday, August 8/13 was Eid in Addis Ababa.  Let the holiday begin!  How did we spend Eid?  Hmmm, it began with sleeping in to 10 am.  Paul typically wakes to the sonorous sounds of his 6:30 AM alarm, so waking at 10 was a real treat for him and lately a typical morning for me.  After enjoying our morning coffee we drove to the Hilton to have brunch.  It was a nice day, warmer than earlier in the week and the sun felt good as we sat at the poolside patio restaurant.  This is wet season, so the day would not be complete without a rain shower or two.  I've been told that by September 11th the wet season will end and I will really be surprised at how quick and final the transition is from wet to dry season.  Well I will certainly believe that  "promise" when I see it. Hard to be anything less than skeptical when the familiar rumblings of thunder can be heard in the distance and the sun has been hidden by grey clouds and darkening skies. But I digress.  Eid, being a holiday means less cars on the road which translates to "easier" driving conditions. Paul's driving skills are quite amazing.  He has adapted extremely well to Ethiopian driving rules and by driving rules I mean there are no rules.  If you make the foolish assumption that fellow drivers are sticking to standard driving protocols (we North Americans adhere to) then be prepared to be enlightened.  Do not worry about the driver behind you, keep your eyes and ears open for those in front or beside you and remember, there are no rules so make it up as you go.  It's actually really surprising that traffic does seem to flow with a minimum of horn honking, angry gestures or time-delaying and annoying fender benders.  TIA people, so get in there and try it before you knock it. I will let you know, once my licence is granted, how I fare.
So we are back at our home after doing a bit of exploring around town.  Take a look at the pics we took in front of our home.  This gives you a sense of where we are living and also introduces you to Aynalem and her husband (our housekeeper) and Temesgen (our yard guy) and of course to complete the picture gallery: Lexxie.
Is this a Kat or Dog Blog?  I welcome her help!

Lexxie in search of wild game.

Is this all Africa has to offer?

Seriously, it's a Giraffe.  African big game is no big deal.

How many pictures of Lexxie do you think you need?

Temesgen, Aynalem and her Hubbie

Did I forget to mention Lexxie?

Family pic complete, except for our kids holding down things in Canada and England.

I heard that!


  1. Hello All: If you're trying to Comment and do not have a Google account just comment as Anonymous and in the comment section indicate your name. I may have to Post a Blog with these instructions as I know people are viewing my Blog, but I keep looking for follow up comments.

    Keep reading................Love you!

  2. :) love all the pics!

  3. I love the pics. Honestly I did not read the blog until today as you know how life is for me. I love it, you sure do know how to write. Keep it up and I promise to keep reading them all. Love Gail

  4. Just read your blog and its appears you are settling into your new adventure nicely. Getting your license - WOW Please remember your rights and

    We finished the Ball season in 2nd and had a pretty good year. A couple of new players and they are much younger which helps...



    1. It's an adventure, that's for sure. I've been checking the BLSA website. Great year for Barley Mow! You guys can take Stealers. Good Luck at the Tournament. It will feel weird not being there!
