Sunday 11 August 2013

Commenting on my Blog Posts 101

Hello All That Are Reading and Hopefully Enjoying My Blog:

I've been enjoying writing this blog as writing is a passion that I have severely neglected over the years due to the constraints of,  let's face it: life.  Life has a way of  getting in the way. It's filled with work, family and friends; all of which combine to make one's life fruitful and rewarding, so don't get me wrong I wouldn't have it any other way. But as I have the time now while in Ethiopia I am enjoying just writing the 'whole stream of consciousness' thing and blogging.  What does have me slightly perplexed is that I am not seeing any Comments?  In the immortal words of Led Zeppelin: "Is there anybody out there?"   So perhaps the whole Comment field has some of you perplexed, indifferent or just WTF?  Prepare to be enlightened so that each time I review my previous blogs I have 1 maybe 2, maybe more Comments which can be as simple as "Read ya" to "Hey, what's up with those typos" to "Love ya, keep blogging".

So once you have read a blog, scroll down to the bottom where it says "Posted by Katherine Gabel" and following this it will either say No Comments or (if some have already commented) it will read that number of comments made to date, ie 1 Comment. Click on either field and it will bring up a box prompting you to "Enter your comment".  Type over this and comment freely.  Once you have completed entering your comment you will notice it says at the bottom under the box "Comment as"; and then a drop down menu appears  labelled as "Select Profile". Click on Select Profile. From the drop down menu select either Google Account (if you have one) or Anonymous and then click the Publish button.  Should you choose Anonymous you can mention your name in your comments or you can remain Anonymous.  Either way I will be thrilled to know that my blog is being read and that I am successfully communicating my AA (African Adventure) .

Love YOU all.


  1. Love the photos of the great white (wait - peachy maybe?) giraffe hunter! Too funny, and the captions are so apropos! Please continue to share as you can.

    The effort you are putting forth with your blog is greatly appreciated! I love checking in (0k maybe I am a nut bar, but yes I check daily!! No pressure on your end! Haha) It's wonderful knowing things are going well, that you are settling in, and are surrounded by caring folk. Otherwise we'd be left to our imagination and of course niggling worry... So unless its a lot of trouble please keep it going and allow us to live vicariously through your blog!

    Recently adding Addis Adaba to my weather app allows for a quick check on your weather. Seems a bit cool but then it is the rainy season too.

    What's the population of Addis Adaba? I didn't realize you we're in the largest city in Ethiopia....but I'm reading that Addis Adaba has close to 4 million people! Is that right? No wonder driving is a challenge! Haha!

    Anyway... Am looking forward to the next post!


    1. Yes, I knew people were reading cuz somewhere in my profile it measures page views. But it's so rewarding to read comments such as yours. Love it! The weather is cold and rainy (15-18), but usually the sun breaks through each day. The houses are not centrally heated so oft times it's colder inside than out. I wear my comfy Costco NukNuk slippers inside and a hoodie so I am toasty. Addis is around 4 million and yes, they are usually all out during rush hour! Ethiopia, hard to believe has a population of over 80 million. Crazy! Keep reading and commenting, this is a blast!

  2. Hey momma. I am officially all caught up now, love your blog. It's on my homepage, your writing style reminds me of a young-me in my Carleton days, hahahaha jokes you're way better than me! Keep it up!! We shall skype soon, things are busy with moving things into dads, its mayhem! but doing well :) theres been a meteor shower here for a few nights so all us kids just lied on the grass looking up at the stars last night, saw SOOO many CRAZY shooting stars. it was unreal. oh ya and im officially obsessed with homeland :) best show EVER! hahaah

    cant wait to hear more, love you and miss you so much.
