Tuesday 24 September 2013

Another NGO Bazaar and Other Shopping Sources

True to their word this month's NGO Bazaar was held last Saturday, September 21st.  Actually not true to their word since the bazaar is supposed to be the last Saturday of each month.  I am quickly learning that there are always reasons beyond my belief that Ethiopians just love to change the rules.  Actually the annual religious holiday, Meskel, on September 27th  was the reasoning behind changing the date. So undeterred by the why Paul and I fast tracked our Saturday routine (leisurely breakfast = cold cereal and juice) and headed out.  The weather is definitely improving as we are slowly moving from rain everyday to more sunshine with occasional rain.  The average temperature is in the 20-22 Celsius range so not overly hot, but so much nicer than the daily rain I have experienced since my arrival here at the end of July.  When we arrived at the bazaar it was crowded, but there were still lots of things to see.  We've been enjoying buying pictures to decorate our home so we were pleased to see Abera had his booth set up.  Since we first met him at the August 31st bazaar we have commissioned a number of pictures from him.  Today would be no exception.  It seemed fitting to buy an acrylic painting from him that depicted an image of the rainy season.  Abera  then told us that he was getting married Sunday.  We were pleased to share in his happiness with an extra "tip" of congratulations.  We likely have not bought our last Abera Getu original!  We moved from Abera over to the pottery area.  I just love their terracotta pots and added two more to our collection.  I mentioned, from the last bazaar, that I was also interested in their smooth, polished pottery.  This pottery is more expensive, but it is so unique that we indulged in two pieces.  A lot of the other stuff displayed throughout the bazaar is neat to look at, but I wasn't interested in further buying.  Yes, I know, some of you would be shocked that I could show such restraint, but seriously, there are more bazaars to come.

We visited  a new mall which has just opened up and it is really big.  It's 4 levels and it has every variety of store to choose from: clothing, shoes, appliances, electronics, crafts, jewelry, toys, flowers, books, housewares and groceries; you name it, it's there! They had a DJ piping music at an ear shattering levels, face painting and various animal characters walking around.  I found it amusing that face painting was not limited to children as a number of teens and older people were having designs painted on their faces.  I haven't had the nerve to go into any of the clothing stores as yet.  Ethiopians as a rule are pretty small and this is reflected in their clothing size.  Pants and dresses on display always look to be in the 0 to size 2 range.  I had my fill when I was in Cambodia of being told: "No carry big sizes!!"   Right adjacent to this Mall I was shocked to see a Lulu store.  Yes!  Right there is the middle of Addis Ababa.  In my excitement I didn't remark on the absence of the tell tale Lulu lemon insignia. I rushed forward and alas Lulu was just yet another store front filled with dresses, pants, and shirts in sizes ranging from 0-2.  I didn't have my camera otherwise I would have taken a picture.  Later that day as we were heading home we came across another store, closer to our house also called Lulu.  Well fool me once, but not again.! We did go back later on Sunday, camera in hand, to take a picture.  The store was closed at the time so unfortunately the shutters hide the clothes.  You will just have to let your imaginations go, just like mine did before I got closer and realized the sad reality, "Katherine, you're not in Kansas anymore!"

Polished Pottery top and bottom

My favorite shade of black!

Keeping the terracotta going!

Hope our shipping  home allowance has no limit!

Rainy Season in Addis

Old Addis

Going to Market and check out those blue taxis. They are everywhere!

You see of  course Lexxie is part of the family. She has the "affliction". 

Lexxie is not overly impressed with her haircut. 

She's the bomb!
Seriously, do you think it would look better if it were open?


  1. hahahahahahahhahahahahahaahhahahaah

    1) Lexi Pictures have to be included in on every blog entry. I actually die at them because I can always tell exactly what she's thinking, specially in that one where you're trying to stuff her into the pottery hahah
    2) PSYYYYYC. Not a lululemon, omigosh I can imagine how excited you got and what a let down. Don't you worry mom we are about a 5 min walk from the biggest mall in Southampton. Strangely enough, I haven't spend a dime there. I'm scared that once I go into one amazing store, I'll never come out!
    3) Love the directions and the place!!! Cannot wait to see it in person.
    4) Very proud of your resisting skills and only taking 2 vases haha.
    5) 0-2 sizes. Pfft, we can't all be Danitras and Rileys and Alis. I cant wait to see how they react if Jenn and I walk into a shop.
    6) Uh, Jenn and I LOVE facepaint. We totally would've been in on that.

    Love you and miss you three very much. talk soon.

  2. Can you tell I only got 5 hours sleep, worked a 12 hour day and am up wayyy too late?

    "Haven't SPENT a dime. or should I say a PENCE or 10 P."
    "love the DECORATIONS hahahaha:

  3. Yup we're definitely going to have to spend an entire day doing retail therapy in the West Quay Shopping Mall when you get here!!

  4. I am looking forward to that. I am seriously in need of therapy!!
