Tuesday 16 July 2013

July 16,  2013......a memorable day as it's Paul's birthday.  We spent it mostly enduring the heat during our frequent trips back and forth to my niece Brooke's home.  She has kindly allowed us to store our Christmas decorations, trees and paraphernalia at her place.  Crazy how much stuff you have when you've been in one house 12 years.  Add to that the accumulation of 13 years in my home on Birkett and Paul's house in Stittsville and what you have is a lot of stuff that needs to be shipped, stored or purged.  So today we celebrate Paul's b'day and a successful day of the Crown movers "packing" up our home.  They made excellent progress and we still have a bed for one last evening and we still have cable so Paul and Daylan are enjoying the Baseball All Star game.  Tomorrow we  continue with emptying our home.

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