Wednesday 3 July 2013

Ethiopian Adventure

I am about to embark on a trip of a lifetime. The journey begins a mere 24 days from today.  Before that day can arrive and the adventure begins I still have much to do on the home front to pave the way. This blog, created by Alice will be my link to home. Thank you Alice for suggesting that I start a blog and of course putting it all together.


  1. I'm trying to enter a comment to show that I'm reading your blog

  2. So exciting! So few days left to do final sorting/packing/storing, buy year's supply of Kleenex for Gail, and see the Eagles!
    Safe travels! Can hardly wait to read your updates!

  3. Stay tuned for Ethio-Moments from Kat's Blog

  4. Glad to hear your trip went well. Talked to Gail at work today.
    How are you settling in knowing it is not a two week vacation?
