Saturday 25 October 2014

What I did on my summer holidays!

I arrived in Ottawa July 23, 2014 and after weeks of visiting and travelling and enjoying the company of family and friends, August 23rd marked my return.  It was a good thing that prior to my trip I drew up an itinerary which helped ensure that I was able to see and do everything I planned. It's crazy, but after being away a year there are so many family and friends you want to see and with everyone not living in Ottawa it also involved some travel. I love to travel so that was no problem at all. Gail has a nice, brand new Highlander so we were able to comfortably motor here, there and everywhere. 

I began my trip with dinner out with friends I have known since childhood. We grew up together on the same street: Mayfield in Chomedy, Laval.  Though we attended each other’s wedding back in the day, time and distance kept us apart. About 2 years ago Diane Baker Foley was very diligent in tracking me down and together with Debbie Donaldson Tylee we have rekindled a friendship that spans decades. We get together for dinner and non-stop talking. After a year in Ethiopia I had lots to share and it was so enjoyable catching up on each others lives. Diane also included two girls that were also in fellow Chomedy-ites (Janice and Donna) and with my sister too, we laughed and laughed over some pretty hilarious conversations. I swear Donna could do stand up. She was that funny.

We (Gail, Brooke, Janet and I) went to Toronto for the August long weekend and spent a glorious 5 days shopping, entertaining and enjoying the comforts Chez Palgrave. Breakfast under the gazebo or sitting poolside and later in the evening enjoying the wood burning stove while talking and sharing time with family and friends.  I was happy to see JoJo, first time since our African safari adventure, and to meet Rob, who I had first learned about when Jojo visited us in Ethiopia. In Toronto we also got to see Derrick and his boys. Wayne and Patti were in NY over the long weekend so though we briefly saw Patti on the morning we were heading home, we would only see Wayne on our next trip.

Back in Ottawa Janet and I made plans to go to Norway Bay (near Shawville) for a couple of days to visit our good friends Kathy and Gord Black.  The consummate hosts, Gord and Kathy made sure our wine glasses were kept full, the shrimp cooked to perfection, salads GF approved and snackies that kept us going into the wee hours of the morning. Kathy and Gord have a beautiful home overlooking the Ottawa River and spending time with them is always a highlight. Gord made of point, more than once, of also extending an invitation to their home in Florida (Port Charlotte) and Paul says we have to make this one of our to dos. No argument here!

Gail, Brooke and I didn't sit still long before we decided to give the Highlander a good run and drove 10 hours to Timmins. I hadn't seen Reece since she was a baby and I'd only seen pictures of Scott and Caelen's lovely home.  It was so wonderful to see Reece all grown up (all 20 months of her!!) walking, running, talking and always smiling. She's such a happy child and why not? She has parents that dote on her, an aunt, uncle and two cousins and grandparents just around the corner and of course Sushi (American bulldog!). There's an amazing lake nearby with a boardwalk and it was so enjoyable to walk there, en famille, and experience Reece's excitement over the feeding of the ducks. 

We had such a good visit! We left Timmins and went home via Toronto. We over-nighted at Derrick's home in Woodbridge. Patti and Wayne had a BBQ at their home, which is like 1 km from Derrick's, an unbelievably short distance when you consider how big Toronto is and typically how far apart everyone lives. Rob, Doris and Barrett were there as well so it was good to see everyone again. The following morning we headed back to Ottawa, BUT not before Jojo dropped off Allison. Al, too was making a trip home after a year in the UK. She flew in via Toronto and we had arranged to take her the rest of the way.  I'd seen Al in May when we met up in Greece, but seeing your first born just never gets old.  I could hardly wait for the two sisters to be re-united later that day!

My next travel was to Watertown, NY with Janet, Doris and Jan's Mum, Robin.  Doris and Barrett drove to Ottawa Friday night and Saturday morning we (Janet driving her mum's SUV) were on the road again. Watertown has become quite a tradition with Janet and me and we were happy to include Doris who over the years (our famous Shop to you Drop weekends!) has become the 3rd member of our Shop Ops Adventures. Watertown proved no different. We managed to find bargains, exclusive items to the States, consume good eats, lots of laughter and conversation and all be closing time. The drive home was lively as we had to be sure Janet stayed alert and awake. We arrived home close to 1:30 am.

While in Ottawa, I was there for Daylan's 23rd birthday. Paul of course would have loved to be there, but that will have to wait. (More on that to follow in later blogs!!) In his stead we celebrated Daylan's b'day at Gail's with a BBQ. The Girls were all there (Allison, Aleysha, Jenn and Brooke). The only missing 'girl' was Lexxie! No summer birthday would be complete without a DQ Blizzard Cake. Needless to say we were all quite satisfied!

My last night in Ottawa, Gail and I were invited to Janet and Mark's for a farewell BBQ. Kathy and Gord were also there.  I couldn't have asked for a better send off. I am so thankful for my very good friends and currently living so far away, I really value the time I have to spend with them.

It had been a hectic month of dinners out with childhood friends, travelling, shopping and visiting family and friends, quiet nights with just me and my sister, spending time with Al and Jenn, (just like old times) and even going in to the Citizen to take care of 'work' details. And yet when the day came to return to Addis I was still unable to answer this question, with any degree of certainty: "When will you be returning for good to Canada"?

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. Love the posing question at the end.

    I really groaned in jealousy when you spoke of being poolside and eating under the gazebo at Auntie Doris's. The BEST. Think I'll enjoy a European breakffast right NOW. Bring on the Brie!!!!!
