Saturday 25 October 2014

We're still living life in Ethiopia!!

The development project Paul has been attached to for the last four years was scheduled to conclude September 30, 2014. SNSF (Safety Net Support Facility) is a project funded by CIDA (aka DFATD). The purpose of the project is to work closely with the Ethiopian government to help them deliver the productive safety net program more effectively. The PSNP (a huge, 2 billion dollar initiative in its 5th year) is a social safety net program designed to address the needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups within society; specifically, those suffering from chronic food insecurity. This is suppose to address the scenario of starving children in Ethiopia that most people associate with this country. SNSF has met with huge success and from the time Paul arrived here in March 2013, he was being assured by CIDA, Government counterparts and other donor groups aided by World Bank, that SNSF's initiatives and successes were too important and had to continue to be implemented. This sentiment was equally shared by the amazing and talented employees of SNSF in 8 regions of Ethiopia and government officials who had benefited from capacity development workshops and seminars facilitated by Paul's strong group of Team Leaders and Specialists. It was the exemplary work of SNSF  that has given rise to the reality that there will be a SNSF Part 2. The only problem is that the next phase is still in the 'developing' stage.  The concept of  "SNSF" will be incorporated into the next PSNP,  but this will involve another bidding process and all this takes time. World Bank proposed a Bridge with the sole intension that the Bridge would allow a seamless transition from the end of SNSF to the beginning of the next Project which Agriteam has a strong chance of winning. The theory was great, the timing was not.  Agriteam, as the drivers of SNSF had to bid for the chance to run the Bridge. What should have been a slam dunk became a long and drawn out process. The end result after over 8 months of delays and excuses: Agriteam was awarded the right to continue the work that had gained them so many accolades, positive results and feedback. Oh well, it was gratifying to know that despite the bidding and proposal process, the best 'team' (Agriteam) won!

So we're still here, (Paul, Lexxie and I) living in Addis Ababa and guaranteed to be here until at least June 30, 2015. What will happen after that, given how long it took to get the Bridge approved is anyone's guess.  We're just happy for now that our living arrangements are settled, decided and it all worked out.

On an extremely happy note and in keeping with Paul's philosophy (and Daylan's too) that 'things have a way of working out', we are proud to announce the birth of Michael Baracat, born October 4, 2014. Had we gone home in September we would have missed the opportunity of welcoming Aynalem's (our housekeeper) and Baracat's first baby.  Things could not have worked out better!

Michael, AKA Mickey

Paul's a natural

14 days old and growing

Thank Goodness Lexxie is keeping an eye on things!

1 comment:

  1. He is soooooooooooo cute, I want to eat his face. Bring him to Canada in february :)
