Thursday 7 November 2013

Loving Life in London!

My visit to the UK was ostensibly to see Allison in her new living and work environment, however, a trip to London was also high on the priority list.  We decided that we would celebrate Al's birthday weekend in London.  We were not disappointed. Kat ordered a taxi service and bright and early Saturday morning, Oct 26th Al, Kat, Steph and I headed to London. The last time I was in London I was younger than Al so this was very special for me to reconnect with older memories and share new ones with my daughter.  Once we had dropped off our baggage at our Bed & Breakfast, we headed via the Tube to Piccadilly Circus.  The Tube is such an amazing transportation system and it will take you anywhere from the airport to all the major hot spots.  London is such a touristy city as throngs of people, cameras in hand, vie for shots of London's famous attractions.  All those years ago I remember the never ending presence of scaffolding and construction.  Time hasn't changed that reality.  Piccadilly Circus was surrounded by fencing and the fountain wasn't working. We just had to pick a  "under construction" day!!
Piccadilly Circus

As you gaze down from Piccadilly Circus you view Regent Street, which is the beginning of Soho and very fine and expensive shopping.  Shops like Burberry, Coach, UGG, Hugo Boss to name a few, are made more fascinating because of the architecture that contain them.  The street and side walks are wide and despite the throngs of people you never feel "too" crowded.  Also, considering the number of people the city is so clean and well kept.  I was a bit surprised, however, as we walked down the street to see all the USA and NFL banners spanning the street.  Wouldn't you know it that we'd be in town while there was a NFL pep rally happening, with a game to follow.  Trafalgar Square was difficult to see because of all the banners, kiosks, marching bands and rabid fans.  I overheard one Londoner speaking on his phone moaning about all "the bloody American football!".  Tee hee, in this case it really was Football and not soccer as the Brits refer to it!

Streets of Soho 

Burberry: So chic, so out of my price range

Red Double Decker Bus.  Only in Britain despite the USA flag

Allison come back!

Hey Ma!  Carnaby Y'all  

Disappointing that all the NFL paraphernalia prevented any good photo ops
Entrance way into Trafalgar Square

We stopped off at a pub to enjoy a pint along with fish and chips before continuing towards Parliament, Big Ben, 10 Downing Street , Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace and London Tower.   Even though I've seen it all before, I snapped picture after picture as though it was the first time. It's hard to shake the significance and the feeling of awe of actually standing before these famous structures.

Thirsty after all our walking and sightseeing

What, no cell phones ladies?

Mr. PM, could I have a word?
 See that black door way at the back?  Yeah, I guess the PM isn't receiving today
 First peak at Big Ben
 Parliament in all its glory
 Spires of Westminster Abbey
 Crowded entrance
Another angle

Approaching Buckingham Palace from St James Park.

Famous Balcony Scene

 London Eye
 Canada Gate
Allison:  holds symbols of Canadian pride! 

Green Park adjacent to Buckingham Palace

 London Tower
 London Bridge still standing
 View from London Tower
Roommates to the end!

Through the course of 2 days in London we took in the sights and had a blast doing it.  Saturday night we went out for dinner to celebrate Allison's birthday. The Girls decided to hit the town after dinner, while I pulled the age and sore feet cards. Sunday, after sightseeing Allison and I went  for Thai (what else you ask) followed by attending  the production of Dirty Dancing.  It was a fitting end to a busy two days.  Our plan for Monday was to do some shopping, but a heavy wind storm had blown through the UK and it severely crippled the rail system.  We ended up taking a Coach Bus back to Southampton since all trains had been cancelled.  

London is really a must see among historical cities.  I have visual proof of that statement given the number of tourists that roamed the streets when we were there. Hats off to Londoners for providing such an amazing and welcoming city.  The Tube gives you economical access to everything and if you get confused (seriously) there are many helpful attendants.  We witnessed numerous  examples of people going out of their way to be nice.  As we stepped out at Piccadilly Circus (our 1st stop) and we were snapping pics a young girl approached and asked if we wanted a group picture. No. What?  I witnessed a man who had fallen and look dazed and confused and immediately 2 young Brits were asking him, with those amazing accents, "Do you need any help? Can you stand?"  We came out of a small convenience store near our B & B and we were momentarily disoriented, but this man walking by stopped and asked if he could help.  But the single most notable act of kindness came about when Allison and I were at Leicester Square purchasing our Dirty Dancing tickets.  I was in line when I looked over at Allison who had the look of sheer panic on her face. Oh, oh, "I've lost my iPhone. I don't have it!"  Even though she was beyond upset, Al said "let's still get the tickets and not let this ruin our day."  We found Kat and Steph who were shopping along Regent St (a miracle in itself) and Kat began to call and message Al's phone.  I wasn't holding out much faith considering the size of the city and the likelihood that the phone had dropped out on the Tube; a seriously busy, busy transportation system. Imagine our joy when Kat squealed, "Gabel, your phone is calling me!!"  Yes, some amazing Good Londoner Samaritan had found Al's phone and left it with the Tube Supervisor at Gloucester Square.

Our journeys to Brighton, Bath, and Scotland are to follow.  

1 comment:

  1. London's calling: it definitely ranks among one of most my favorite cities!! Oiii!
