Thursday 10 October 2013

Weather's last!

Yes like a true Canadian I feel it's time to talk about the weather. I was told when I first arrived in Ethiopia that there are two distinct seasons in Ethiopia, the dry season which runs from October to May and rainy season from June to September. Altitude is another factor which influences the climate of Ethiopia's large surface area of about 1.2 million square kilometers. Addis, because of its high elevation, experiences much lower temperatures than Bahir Dar or Awassa. I first visited Ethiopia in April and I was met with sunshine and 24°C - 26°C. It was a different story when I returned at the end of July. It was cooler (18°C - 20°C) and it rained (thunder and lightning) daily. I was told that after New Year's, (September 11th), the weather would drastically improve. This did not happen. I was then told that, Meskel (September 27th) marks the end of the rainy season. Well, yes there has been improvement to rain every day, but nevertheless rain and cool temperatures continue to be more the norm than the exception. So I decided to break it down into terms that I could more easily assimilate. After all, there isn't a country anywhere (meteorologists, please calm down) that can accurately predict weather with absolute certainty. The Farmer's Almanac love to make predictions but, let's face it, they have a 50-50 chance of being right. How often have you been "fooled" by a weather forecast? Seriously? My hair is a fair testament to being caught without an umbrella.

So I started looking at the climate of Ethiopia and discovered that Ethiopia has in fact broken down their 2 distinct seasons into 4. Well I thought this makes total sense because breaking the year into 3 month increments gives you a better chance of getting the weather right, right? Wrong! Wrong in the sense that from my North American perspective (what other perspective would I have?), their "names" for each season has added less clarity.

Yes, but hold on, this is not North America so the names of our seasons need to be applied with an African twist. (You say tomato and I say tomatoe.) Let's look at the seasons, the TIA way:

Kiremet or Meher: June, July and August are the summer season. During these 3 months (and I can fully substantiate this), the city experiences heavy rain, thunder and lightning. NOT a pleasant experience for my Lexxie-Bear. The temperatures are cooler as well. (18°C - 20°C)

Tseday: September, October and November are referred to as the spring season. The rain has definitely slowed (not over ) down, there are more sunny days and the temperatures are getting warmer.

Bega: December, January and February are the winter dry season. Rain (I will take this at their word!) has stopped and there are seasonal highs of 22°C - 24°C and sunny.

Belg: March, April and May are the autumn season, with very occasional showers. May is typically the hottest month in all of Ethiopia. For we in Addis, we're talking nice, dry temperatures of 24°C - 26°C and mostly sunny.

So you see, it's all making more sense. (TIA) Here in Addis we are experiencing Spring-like conditions, as days are getting warmer and the sun is staying out longer with less rain interruptions. I know I can hardly wait for winter because by then the temperatures will be up in the 24°C - 26°C range and the likelihood of any rain will be extremely low. Before we have a chance to tire of winter's lovely conditions we will move into autumn and its promise of more sunshine, dry conditions and warm temperatures. But alas, once that ends we will be back to summer, rain and more rain. Thank Goodness, however, because with spring comes the promise that the rain will slow down and eventually stop and the temperatures will improve. And then before you know it the much anticipated and glorious winter will be back!!

Hey, my fellow North Americans and those in the UK, who knew that I, who have always considered summer to be my favourite season, would now be looking forward with such anticipation to winter? Yes a country can change and confuse you, but you need to roll and change with it. Even though I still do not understand why Spring follows Summer and Autumn follows Winter, I'm loving the many twists that TIA brings.

Pictures are currently delayed as I need Paul (he's at work!) to transfer the pics from his camera. Yeah, I like to write, but can't be bothered with the techie stuff.

Paul's home and the pics are ready for viewing. Spring is in the air.

Spring winds, tidings of good weather to come! 

Summer rains bring Spring flowers. Yeah right it does!

Kids, check out our Christmas Tree.  It's waiting for you guys!!

I enjoy sitting out on our deck above as the weather improves.

Flowers help hide our gated existance.

Side Patio door leads to: Watch the first step!

Spring view of our front yard.  Time to put out the patio furniture.

Did someone say it's spring?

I will just sit and wait!

....for the green, green grass of home.


  1. ommmmmg i'm getting all teary eyed seeing pictures of Lexi and her orange toy :( the garden looks gorgeous! And I'm pretty darn excited that I get to leave the cold and winter snows for some beautiful hot sun!! CAN'T WAIT TO COME LIVE BY TIA RULES!

  2. WOOOOOO!!! WINTER SEASON. Cant WAIT. Gotta get my tan on. Lexi is hilarious in every picture as usual. And the place looks so beautiful im sooo excited weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
